Úsek pro vědu a výzkum

Professional Publications

Year of publication

Publications (3663)


Cetkovský, P.


[year of publication 2010]


Vacikova, A.

Assessment of electrophoretic mobilities of some human isoamylases

[year of publication 2018]


Hrkal, Z.; Vodrážka, Z.

Association-dissociation equilibria in human globin solutions

[year of publication 2012]


Koubek, K.; Kubíčková, Z.; Dvořáková, M.

Associations between human serum alkaline phosphatase and some other genetic traits

[year of publication 2012]


Kuželová, K.; Brodská, B.; Marková, J.; Petráčková, M.; Ransdorfová, Š.; Gašová, Z.; Šálek, C.

Associations between recurrent mutations and blast immunophenotype in acute myeloid leukemia

[year of publication 2021 ]


Fricova, V.; Hruba, A.; Paluska, E.; Holdova, J.

Attempt at isolation and partial characterization of specific antibodies from anti-thymocyte serum

[year of publication 2018]


Libansky, J.; Zavada, J.

Attempt to influence viral mouse leukaemia by simultaneous infection with influenza A1 virus

[year of publication 2018]


Bednarik, T.; Simek, L.; Cajthamlova, H.; Rerabkova, E.; Jezkova, Z.; Kout, M.

Ausnutzung der Immuntoleranzinduktion bei der Herstellung eines von Antikorpern gegen Serumproteine Freien Antilymphozytaren Serums (ALS)

[year of publication 2018]


Herzog, P.; Korinkova, P.; Stambergova, M.; Lukasova, M.

Auto anti-A1 and auto anti-NA1 after bone marrow transplantation

[year of publication 2018]


Cukrová, V.; Neuwirtová, R.; Bartůňková, J.; Jonášová, A.; Čermák, J.; Homolková, H.; Malíková, I.

Auto- a aloreaktivita T lymfocytů u myelodysplastického syndromu

[year of publication 2006]


Konopík, J.; Ježková, Z.

Auto-Immunreaktionen auf verschiedene Körperbestandteile bei Psoriatikern

[year of publication 2012]


Engelberth, O.; Jezkova, Z.; et al.

Autoantibodies in Downs disease

[year of publication 2012]


Charvat, J.; Engelberth, O.; Jezkova, Z.; Raboch, J.

Autoantibodies in Klinefelter's syndrome

[year of publication 2012]


Engelberth, O.; Jezkova, Z.

Autoantibodies in Sheehans syndrome

[year of publication 2012]


Engelberth, O.; Charvat, J.; Jezkova, Z.; Raboch, J.

Autoantibodies in chromatin-positive men

[year of publication 2012]


Šebestík, V.; Ježková, Z.

Autoantibody formation against spleen in rats 'chemically splenectomized' by ethyl palmitate

[year of publication 2018]


Chudomel, V.; Novak, J.; Pekarek, J.; Svejcar, J.; Laznicka, M.

Autoimmunity as possible evoking factor of some so-called idiopathic bone-marrow hypoplasias

[year of publication 2018]


Doutlík, S.; Ježková, Z.

Autoimmunization mechanisms in parainfectious encephalitis. I. Evidence of organ antibodies

[year of publication 2012]


Čermák, J.; Písačka, M.

Autoimunitní hemolytická anémie

[year of publication 2015]


Mihál, V.; Písačka, M.

Autoimunitní hemolytické anémie

[year of publication 2006]