Information on Stem Cell Donation
Haematopoietic cell donation can be performed in two ways:
A) Peripheral hematopoietic cell collection - instrumental peripheral blood collection is performed using a separator. Donor collection is preceded by mobilisation with growth factor, after which the haematopoietic cells are washed into the blood and can be removed. Harvesting is performed on one or two consecutive days from the elbow vein, is performed on an outpatient basis and takes about 4 hours. No general anaesthetic is needed for this type of collection. It is currently the most common method of donation. The material used for the donation is sterile, disposable.
- The application of growth factors should be carried out in a medical facility under supervision, at least for the first dose, and arranged by the Czech Bone Marrow Donor Registry (CSCR), which takes care of the donor during the preparation for the donation.
- During the application of growth factor, the donor may experience flu-like symptoms, headache, muscle and joint pain, slightly increased temperature. To alleviate these problems, paracetamol medication may be used at the usual dosage. Medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid or non-steroidal antiphlogistics should not be used. In case of any doubts, please contact the doctors of our department or the staff of the Czech Hematopoietic Cell Donor Registry, who take care of the donor during the whole preparation for the donation.
- The day before the donation it is advisable to follow the regimen, not to perform physically strenuous activities, not to eat fatty food, not to drink alcohol.
- On the day of the donation, the donor will have his/her current blood count checked, fill in a pre-donation questionnaire and undergo an examination by a doctor from the apheresis department who will assess his/her eligibility for donation. The donor is entitled to pre-donation refreshments (pastries, coffee, tea), it is not advisable to be fasting for the donation.
- In most cases, donors complete the donation without complications; occasionally, complications may arise that are minor and are easily resolved by ward staff. These may include hypotension-a drop in blood pressure, hypocalcemia-a drop in blood calcium levels that cause tingling in the mouth, fingertips, or venous access problems. If any problems arise during collection, this information should be communicated to the Apheresis Department staff in a timely manner.
- After the donation, the donor is entitled to a post-donation refreshment worth 130 CZK (a package or a voucher to our La Fresca buffet).
- After the donation, we recommend a physical examination until the control blood count, which is examined one week after the donation in our department or by appointment with a general practitioner.
B) Bone marrow extraction by pelvic bone puncture is a surgical procedure that takes about 60 minutes. Under general anaesthetic, bone marrow is removed with a puncture needle. The extraction is carried out at the collaborating department of Motol University Hospital. The donor spends a total of 3 days in the hospital. During the preparation for the bone marrow collection, the donor undergoes the collection of one autotransfusion unit of blood, which is used to supplement the blood loss during the actual bone marrow collection.
- A healthy body will cope with both types of haematopoietic cell donation by natural regeneration, donors may experience fatigue for a few days as with a cold or flu, major complications are very rare, and donors are monitored at regular intervals after donation (one week after donation, 6 and 12 months after donation, and then once a year for 10 years after donation).
- Anyone interested in donating haematopoietic cells is free to refuse donation at any time. However, if in doubt, it is better not to join the register. A patient awaiting a transplant is usually in a serious condition and any delay or complications may put them at risk. The donor can consult the staff of the Apheresis Department or the Czech Hematopoietic Cell Donor Registry by telephone about temporary or permanent causes of ineligibility for donation.
- the donor is entitled to paid leave with full payment of wages for up to 96 hours in accordance with the provisions of Section 203(2)(d) and (e) of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, in order to be released for haematopoietic cell donation
- hematopoietic cell donors are entitled to deduct CZK 20 000 from the tax base on presentation of a donation certificate