Centre for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
The IHBT Outpatient Department comprises the Centre for Thrombosis and Hemostasis specialized in diagnostics and therapy of blood clotting disorders. An important activity of the centre is the care of adult patients with a congenital deficiency of coagulation factors, i.e. type A and hemophiliacs and patients with von Willebrand disease.
This IHBT centre is one of the two main centres for diagnostics and treatment of these diseases in the Czech Republic. It monitors and treats more than a half of all Czech patients with A/B hemophilia and the so-called FVIII/FIX inhibitor.
As a Centre of Complex Care of Hemophilia Patients, the IHBT provides continuous care 24 hours a day.
Where to turn when you need help?
- 07:00 - 9:00 IHBT Day Hospital
- 09:00 - 15:30 Centre for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
- 15:30 - 18:00 IHBT Day Hospital
- 18:00 - 7:00 Emergency Service
MUDr. Peter Salaj
Head of the Centre for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Phone: +420 221 977 284, +420 221 977 318
Email: Peter.Salaj@uhkt.cz -
MUDr. Věra Geierová
Deputy head of the centre
Phone: +420 221 977 318, +420 221 977 426, +420 221 977 289
Email: Vera.Geierova@uhkt.cz