What We Treat
At IHBT, we deal with hematopoietic disorders in their entirety, from congenital or acquired non-cancerous diseases (anemia, bleeding disorders...) to cancers such as leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. In addition, many of the diagnoses we treat here are rare diseases, i.e. diseases that affect only a few units or tens of people in the whole country.
In addition to the treatment of the underlying diseases themselves, we also treat complications related to the treatment administered (infections, viral reactivations, graft-versus-host reactions...).
Disease therapy depends on the type of disease, most often involving chemotherapy, hematopoietic cell transplantation and cell therapy (e.g. CAR-T lymphocyte therapy), targeted biological therapy, immunological or immunosuppressive therapy and device therapy (therapeutic plasmapheresis (TPE) or other forms of therapeutic apheresis).
If possible, we also try to enrol patients in an appropriate clinical trial.