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Blood Component Donation

Some patients have so many transfusions throughout their lives that they can tolerate only those having a maximum similarity to their own blood. In such cases we therefore look for custom donors whom we ask to come for the so-called automated blood collection. Have you already heard about these separations which often save patients not only in the IHBT, but also for instance infant patients in Motol Hospital?

60 minutes connected to a separator

Automated blood collection system does not involve withdrawing whole blood, but only its particular components. Most frequently it applies to platelets – thrombocytes. Thank to this separation technique it is possible to obtain a complete curative dose from a single donor which is more suitable for a patient. (If the traditional procedure of whole blood collection was used, five donors would be necessary to obtain a single curative dose.)

An automated blood donation lasts approximately 60 to 80 minutes, and all this time the donor is looked after by qualified and experienced personnel. The blood of a single donor can be separated once a month, and it is always necessary to adapt the date to the actual application of a therapeutic agent to the patient. Platelets last only five days.

Would you like to donate blood to particular patients?

In the automated blood donation registry we usually include donors over 21 years of age. However, it is always necessary to start with a traditional whole blood donation, during which we will find out whether you tolerate blood collection well and whether you have a sufficient quantity of platelets in your body. If so, we will also examine your vein entries, and make an ECG and an internal examination. After that you will be included in the automated blood donation registry, and we will invite you depending on the needs of our individual patients.

If you have any questions, please write to us.