Apheresis Department
The Apheresis Department performs donor and therapeutic procedures using the hemapheresis technique.
The department also focuses on PBPC (peripheral blood hematopoietic cell) separations.
and therapeutic procedures mainly for patients of the IHBT, but also for patients from various clinics of the General University Hospital in Prague and possibly from other hospital facilities in the Czech Republic. It cooperates with the Czech Registry of Hematopoietic Cell Donors in the preparation of PBPC from unrelated donors. Since 2000, it has been monitoring the health status of PBPC donors after mobilization and after separation. The Department has the status of a Tissue Facility for Human Tissues and Cells.
The Apheresis Department cooperates with the international registry for therapeutic apheresis WAA (World Apheresis Association) to register and evaluate adverse events of complications in therapeutic hemapheresis.
In addition to medicine, the staff is involved in research projects that focus on:
- validating the effectiveness of separation techniques for MNC preparation using new types of separation equipment,
- introduction of the rheopheresis technique and verification of its effect in patients with AMD (age-related macular degeneration of the eye) - supported by the OPPK project,
- on the safety of mobilisation and separation in PBPC donors,
- on the frequency and severity of adverse reactions related to donor and therapeutic haemapheresis.
Download the application forms:
doc. MUDr. Zdenka Gašová, CSc.
Head of the Apheresis Department
Phone: +420 221 977 513, +420 221 977 295, +420 221 977 235
Email: Zdenka.Gasova@uhkt.cz -
MUDr. Zdeňka Bhuiyanová Ludvíková
Phone: +420 221 977 245, +420 221 977 213, +420 221 977 295
Email: Zdenka.Bhuiyanova@uhkt.cz -
Bc. Barbora Ulíková, DiS.
Head Nurse
Phone: +420 221 977 235, +420 221 977 146, +420 221 977 303
Email: Barbora.Ulikova@uhkt.cz