Professional Publications
Publications (3663)
Mikyskova, R.; Bubenik, J.; Mendoza, L.; Vonka, V.; Smahel, M.; Simova, J.; Jandlova, T.
Local cytokine treatment of HPV16-associated tumours results in inhibition of their lung metastases
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.966]
Brdička, R.; Nürnberg, P.
Checking of individuality by DNA profiling
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.958]
Janoušková, O.; Nellessen, T.; Štokrová, J.; Jinoch, P.; Šmahel, M.
Delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus by jet injection
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.940]
Nemeckova, S.; Sroller, V; Hainz, P.; Krystofova, J.; Smahel, M.; Kutinova, L.
Experimental therapy of HPV16 induced tumors with IL12 expressed by recombinant vaccinia virus in mice
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.940]
Machova Polakova, K.; Zmekova, V.; Rulcova, J.; Klamova, H.; Zemanova, Z.; Moravcova, J.
BCR-ABL mutations in chronic myeloid leukemia : not only detection
[year of publication 2008, impact factor 1.939]
Kracmarova, A.; Cermak, J.; Brdicka, R.; Bruchova, H.
High expression of ERCC1, FLT1, NME4 and PCNA associated with poor prognosis and advanced stages in myelodysplastic syndrome
[year of publication 2008, impact factor 1.939]
Smetana, K.; Klamová, H.; Jirásková, I.; Šubrtová, H.; Rosa, L.
The nucleolar functional asynchrony - imbalance - in the granulopoietic proliferating compartment of patients suffering from chronic myeloid leukemia
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.937]
Saláková, M.; Košlabová, E.; Vojtěchová, Z.; Tachezy, R.; Šroller, V.
The detection of human polyomaviruses MCPyV, HPyV6, and HPyV7 in malignant and non-malignant tonsillar tissues
[year of publication 2015, impact factor 1.935 ]
Šroller, V.; Hamšíková, E.; Ludvíková, V.; Musil, J.; Němečková, Š.; Saláková, M.
Seroprevalence rates of HPyV6, HPyV7, TSPyV, HPyV9, MWPyV and KIPyV polyomaviruses among the healthy blood donors
[year of publication 2015, impact factor 1.935 ]
Lysák, D.; Kořístek, Z.; Gašová, Z.; Skoumalová, I.; Jindra P.
Efficacy and safety of peripheral blood stem cell collection in elderly donors; does age interfere?
[year of publication 2011, impact factor 1.933]
Zemanova, Z.; Michalova, K.; Musilova, J.; Lukasova, M.; Stary, J.
Sequential cytogenetic study of patients after bone marrow transplantation
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.922]
Suttnar, J.; Mášová, L.; Dyr, J.E.
Influence of citrate and EDTA anticoagulants on plasma malondialdehyde concentrations estimated by high-performance liquid chromatography
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.911]
Pluskalová, M.; Pešlová, G.; Grebeňová, D.; Halada, P.; Hrkal, Z.
Photodynamic treatment (ALA-PDT) suppresses the expression of the oncogenic Bcr-Abl kinase and affects the cytoskeleton organization in K562 cells
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.909]
Bartošová, J.; Kuželová, K.; Pluskalová, M.; Marinov, I.; Halada, P.; Gašová, Z.
UVA-activated 8-methoxypsoralen (PUVA) causes G2/M cell cycle arrest in Karpas 299 T-lymphoma cells
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.909]
Klempíř, J.; Roth, J.; Zárubová, K.; Písačka, M.; Špačková, N.; Tilley, L.
The McLeod syndrome without acanthocytes.
[year of publication 2008, impact factor 1.907]
Brynda, E.; Houska, M.; Jiroušková, M.; Dyr, J.E.
Albumin and heparin multilayer coatings for blood-contacting medical devices
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 1.900]
Riedel, T.; Májek, P.; Riedelová-Reicheltová, Z.; Vorobii, M.; Houska, M.; Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C.
Total removal of intact blood plasma proteins deposited on surface-grafted polymer brushes
[year of publication 2016, impact factor 1.900 ]
Žáčková, M.; Macháčková-Lopotová, T.; Ondráčková, Z.; Kuželová, K.; Klamová, H.; Moravcová, J.
Simplifying procedure for prediction of resistance risk in CML patients: test of sensitivity to TKI ex vivo
[year of publication 2016, impact factor 1.882 ]
Smetana, K.; Klamová, H.; Mikulenková, D.; Čermák, J.; Otevřelová, P.; Karban, J.; Trněný, M.
The cell body space occupied by the nucleus during the cell differentiation in human lymphocytic, granulocytic and erythroid cell lineages
[year of publication 2021, impact factor 1.881 ]