Professional Publications
Publications (3663)
Pytlík, R.; Kideryová, L.; Benešová, K.; Čechová, H.; Veselá, R.; Rychtrmocová, H.; Trněný, M.
Circulating endothelial precursor cells (EPC) in patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
[year of publication 2010, impact factor 0.729]
Fuchs, O.; Kostečka, A.; Provazníková, D.; Krásná, B.; Kotlín, R.; Staňková, M.; Kobylka, P.; Dostálová, G.; Zeman, M.; Chochola, M.
CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding Protein Alpha (CEBPA) polymorphisms and mutation in healthy individuals and in patients with peripheral artery disease, ischaemic heart disease and hyperlipidaemia
[year of publication 2010, impact factor 0.729]
Smetana, K.; Jiraskova, I.; Perlaky, L.; Busch, H.
The silver reaction nucleolar proteins in the main structural compartments of ring shaped nucleoli in smear preparations
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.726]
Jelínek, F.; Sobotková, E.; Vonka, V.
Characteristic of two mouse bcr-abl-transformed cell lines : II. pathological lesion induced in mice.
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.719]
Vonka, V.
Book review : Viral therapy of human cancer : eds. Joseph Sinkovics, Joseph C. Horvath. 827 pages, 2984 references. Marcel Dekker, New York, 2005.
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.719]
Smetana, K.; Klamová, H.; Pluskalová, M.; Stöckbauer, P.; Jirásková, I.; Hrkal, Z.:
Intranucleolar translocation of AgNORs in early granulocytic precursors in chronic myeloid leukaemia and K 562 cells.
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.719]
Smetana, K.; Jirásková, I.; Klamová, H.
Nucleoli in human early erythroblasts (K2, K1, K1/2 cells).
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.719]
Sobotková, E.; Ludvíková, V.; Petráčková, M.; Dušková, M.; Smetana, K.; Jelínek, F.; Marinov, I.; Vonka, V.
Characteristics of two mouse bcr-abl-transformed cell lines : I. general properties of the cells.
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.719]
Cífková, R.; Peleška, J.; Hradec, J.; Rosolová, H.; Pintěrová, E.; Zeman, K.; Oddou-Stock, P.; Thirlwell, J.; Botteri, F.
Valsartan and atenolol in patients with severe essential hypertension
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.715]
Stašíková, J.; Kutinová, L.; Šmahel, M.; Němečková, Š.
Immunization with Varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein E expressing vectors : comparison of antibody response to DNA vaccine and recombinant vaccinia virus
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.683]
Vrablik, M.; Stulc, T.; Kasalova, Z.; Marinov, I.; Malik, J.; Simek, J.; Svobodova, H.; Zidkova, K.; Ceska, R.
Folic acid does not improve surrogate markers of early atherosclerosis in atorvastatin-treated patients
[year of publication 2008, impact factor 0.683]
Smetana, K.; Jirásková, I.; Malasková, V.; Čermák, J.
A cytochemical note on nucleoli of granulocytic precursors and granulocytes in patients suffering from the refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) of the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.679]
Doležalová, L.; Vraná, M.; Dobrovolná, M.; Loudová, M.; Cukrová, V.; Vítek, A.; Sajdová, J.; Starý, J.; Sedláček, P.
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequency analysis in the selection of HLA matched unrelated donors for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation : the correlation of CTLp frequency with HLA class I genotyping and aGVHD development
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.679]
Smahel, M.; Sobotkova, E.; Vonka, V.; Hamsikova, E.; Zak, R.; Kitasato, H.; Ludvikova, V.
DNA vaccine against oncogenic hamster cells transformed by HPV16 E6/E7 oncogenes and the activated ras oncogene
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.659]
Babušíková, O.; Glasová, M.; Koníková, E.; Kusenda, J.; Čáp, J.; Gyárfáš, J.; Koubek, K.
Phenotypic heterogeneity and aberrant markers expression in T-cell leukemia
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]
Cukrová, V.; Doležalová, L.; Loudová, M.; Vítek, A.
Helper T lymphocyte precursor frequency analysis in alloreactivity detection
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]
Koubek, K.; Kumberová, A.; Starý, J.; Babušíková, O.; Klamová, H.; Filipec, M.
Expression of cytokine receptors on different myeloid leukemic cells
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]
Musilová, J.; Michalová, K.; Zemanová, Z.; Březinová, J.; Dohnalová, A.; Sajdová, J.
Cytogenetic study of acute myeloid leukemia : comparison of data obtained in 1991-1996 and 1982-1988
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]
Poučková, P.; Souček, J.; Jelínek, J.; Zadinová, M.; Hloušková, D.; Polívková, J.; Navrátil, L.; Činátl, J.; Matoušek, J.
Antitumor action of bovine seminal ribonuclease : cytostatic effect on human melanoma and mouse seminoma
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]
Smetana, K.; Šubrtová, H.; Jirásková, I.; Klamová, H.; Lemež, P.; Rosa, L.
To the incidence of nucleoli in circulating myeloblasts of patients suffering from acute myeloblastic, promyelocytic and myelomanocytic leukemias
[year of publication 2006, impact factor 0.657]