Grant Projects (ongoing in the year 2027)
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IHBT: Successful Commercialization of Hematology, Hematooncology and Immunotherapy Products
TQ11000057 [2024 – 2028]
The primary objective of the project is to enhance the existing infrastructure at the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (IHBT) for proof-of-concept activities aimed at testing the potential of new gene therapy drugs and modern diagnostic methods and increasing their market value in the period of project implementation. The secondary objective is to improve the economic performance of the Institute in the field of applied research and experimental development and to establish a self-sufficient system for financing technology transfer, including proof-of-concept projects in the future. The tertiary objective is the benefit of the patients of IHBT with the availability of innovative medicines and diagnostic methods in the Czech Republic. The technical parameters of these objectives are as follows: primary objective - to achieve the planned project outputs, including at least 3 modern therapeutics in clinical trials (TRL4 to TRL6), at least 4 innovative diagnostic methods (TRL4 to TRL7), at least 6 intermediate products or services supporting the innovation ecosystem in the Czech Republic in the field of modern treatments by the end of the sustainability period (target higher than TRL7). Secondary objective - to find funding mechanisms for at least 1/3 of the outputs of the sub-projects by the end of the sustainability period. Based on our experience with technology transfer, we consider these objectives to be achievable.