Úsek pro vědu a výzkum

Transfusion Department

The transfusion department provides standard whole blood collection and platelet and plasma separation using the haemapheresis technique.

Among the donors there are many holders of bronze, silver and gold Jansky plaques as well as donors awarded with the gold cross of the 2nd and 3rd degree for 120 and 80 donations.

The blood is processed into transfusion products, mainly for patients at the IHBT - high quality deleukotized concentrates of erythrocytes, platelets, granulocytes and plasma are prepared, which are used for transfusion therapy and pharmaceutical processing. All erythrocyte and platelet concentrates are deleukotized and irradiated. Further, pathogen-inactivation of platelets is performed.

The Transfusion Department works closely with the Apheresis Department in the preparation of platelets by haemapheresis and in the provision of extracorporeal photochemotherapy.

The Transfusion Department includes:

  • Storage of transfusion products
  • Central storage of blood derivatives