Laboratory of Anemias
The anemia diagnostics laboratory provides diagnoses of congenital corpuscular hemolytic anemia (disorders of erythrocyte membrane, disorders of red blood cell enzymes, hemoglobinopatia) and some developed disorders of red blood series (myelodysplastic syndrome, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria). The laboratory is accredited in accordance with CAI standards.
In 2010, the Laboratory of Anemias introduced a capillary electrophoresis method, which makes the diagnosis of abnormal hemoglobins considerably more sensitive and precise, and it developed the membrane protein electrophoresis method, prepared in the routine standard diagnosis of inborn disorders of erythrocyte membrane.
The laboratory cooperates with the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the Palacký University in Olomouc in identifying some rare cases of hemoglobinopatia and the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the Motol University Hospital in Prague.
prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Čermák, CSc.
Head of the laboratory
Phone: +420 221 977 320, +420 221 977 257, +420 221 977 206
Email: -
MUDr. Dana Mikulenková
Deputy head of the laboratory
Phone: +420 221 977 411