Internships at IHBT
The Education Department provides internships for external applicants at all levels of education (high school and university students, PhD students, medical and health professionals in preparation for specialisation training, applicants from abroad).
Procedure for internship applicants:
1. The applicant will arrange a date with the head of the department in which he/she wishes to undertake the internship. In the case of internships in several departments (in the framework of specialisation training for university doctors or other professionals), the date is arranged with the training officer).
2. If the applicant is self-paying, he/she is required to take out professional indemnity insurance for the duration of the internship and send the certificate/contract to the Education Department.
3. The applicant shall send the completed Application for Internship Opportunity in IHBT to the Deputy Registrar & copy the Registrar ( and at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the internship. If you have any questions, please call 221 977 206.
Application note: The statutory representative is usually the director of the health facility, in a public limited company a member(s) of the board of directors and in a limited company the managing director. However, it may also be a person authorised to act in this capacity. If the contract is signed by an authorised person, your employer must attach the authorisation of this person to the contract. The applicant is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the facts stated in the application.
4. The training officer will contact the head of the section/department (or his/her deputy) where the traineeship is to be carried out to check whether the traineeship is possible in the section/department on the requested date.
5. On the basis of the internship application, the Education Officer will prepare a contract and email it to the applicant.
6. The applicant checks the contract, completes his/her personal data and sends it back to the Education Department by e-mail for printing. The signed contract is sent to the applicant by ÚHKT, who ensures that it is signed and stamped, pays for the internship and sends 1 original back to the Education Department.
8. On the day of the start of the internship, the applicant shall report to the Education Department (Building B, 4th floor, door number 427 C) at 8.00 a.m., where he/she shall present proof of payment of the internship fee (copy of bank statement) or a certificate of professional indemnity insurance.
He will also receive an induction, be informed in writing of the general H&S, OHS and data protection principles, receive the keys to the changing room, the traineeship roster form (= class book), where all trainers will confirm the number of hours of their training, and a name badge, which he must wear in a visible place throughout the traineeship. At the end of the internship, the name badge, keys and class book will be returned to the Education Department.
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