Úsek pro vědu a výzkum

Institute-wide seminars

Seminars and courses

The individual departments of the IHBT organise regular seminars on the issues they deal with. In addition, joint seminars are organised within the ÚKEH with the I. Internal Clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague 2 and the Institute of Pathological Physiology of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University, which are freely accessible.

Representatives of other faculties and universities and leading foreign experts are invited to lecture on selected topics at the Institute.

Since September 2024, joint internal seminars of the KÚ, TÚ and ÚVV are held at IHBT. Their programme can be found here.

On the website oncoedu.cz( OncoEdu - onco/hema education), registered applicants can learn from seminars and clinical trials from individual haemato-oncology centres (HOC) in the Czech Republic.